In recent times, synthetic ice rinks are becoming really popular. This is partly because of the high cost of maintenance and the effects of the real ice rinks on the environment. Also, due to the increasing awareness of winter sports, more people are interested in ice skating and hockey.
However, winter sports, like other sport, come with some challenges. For hockey players, one challenge they face is that of a suitable training platform. Since most of them cannot access or afford ice time, they do not have a platform to horn their skills.
Nonetheless, fake ice affords them the avenue to practice stick-handling, shooting, and skating on a platform that resembles the natural rink. If you are a winter sports lover, you will discover how to enjoy your favorite sport even if you do not have access to real ice.
What Is Synthetic Ice?
Synthetic ice is a solid polymeric material that is designed for skating purposes. It is often referred to as artificial ice. It has been in existence for many decades; however, manufacturers keep improving the quality of the polymeric material.
Materials that have a high molecular weight and density are regarded as industry standards for many manufacturers. Low molecular weight polymer is not good enough because it is too brittle, soft, and can easily break down when manipulated. If the polymer surface is too hard, it can make the skate blade scratch-off quickly. This can make the skate slippery when gliding through the panels.

5 Reasons to Use Synthetic Ice for Skating Training
Here’s why artificial ice is good for skating training:
1. Ease of Maintenance
Having a natural ice panel will require extremely high maintenance. But with artificial polymer rinks, there are less maintenance issues as you do not need to maintain the humidity and temperature. Since it is plastic, it is quite easy to clean.
Also, you can get different enhancers in the market that can clean the surface properly. A simple wipe using a wet mop stick can do a good job. This will remove dirt and not cause any physical damage to the panels.
2. It Can Fit into Any Space
A synthetic rink provides a platform for ice sporting activities. During hot weather conditions when there is no ice to train, the only practical option is installing an artificial one. You can do this anywhere if it is a flat surface.
The panels come in different sizes depending on your space, personal taste, and budget. It also has different thickness and dimensions. Due to its varying dimensions, it is easy to install as it can fit in any space.
3. Easy to Install
The panels are relatively easy to install because they come in form of pallets. The pallets are interlocked to form a smooth surface on the ground. An evenly flat surface however, is a criterion for installing the panels.
4. Does Not Damage Your Skate Blade
Before now, synthetic panels were known for the destruction they caused on the skate blade. But today, things are different. The current rinks are built with improved polymeric materials. They now have smoother surfaces, reduce wear on the blades, and are easier to maintain.
The older technologies allowed the application of waxes and liquids on the panel surfaces before skating. This reduced friction between the skate blades and the surface. On the other hand, the new technology incorporates self-lubricating materials into polymer when manufacturing the rinks. Therefore, you do not need friction management and maintenance after using the rink.
5. It Is Environmentally Friendly
With natural ice rinks, you need electricity and water for maintenance and preservation. This alone will make it awfully expensive, besides, it can have a significant impact on our environment. Water and power are overly used in refrigeration and ice production. The type of material used in refrigeration can cause ozone layer depletion and other environmental hazards.
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Things to Consider When Buying A Synthetic Ice Rink
There are many factors to consider when buying an artificial rink. They are:
1. Price of the Product
There are many websites or brands that produce and market artificial rinks. Each of them will indicate how their pricing system works. This may depend on the size of the area for installation.
Generally, people expect a premium product to come at a high price. So if you want a durable and close-to-real ice sensation from the synthetic panels, go for higher-priced brands. A good quality product always comes with a thicker and denser polymeric material. In a nutshell, be ready to spend more if you want a top-quality product.
2. Quality of the Material Used
An industrial standard artificial ice is made with polymer of high density and molecular weight. This material must be non-toxic, bio-friendly, recycled, and have UV-resistance. It must be able to withstand wear and tear and should not start to fade after continuous use.
Low-quality panels usually change color over time due to harsh weather conditions especially when you install them outdoors. High-quality rinks, on the other hand, have enough chemical stability to withstand pressure and friction.
However, it is normal for synthetic panels to have more friction than real ice, whether it is of high quality or not. Viewing this in a positive light, continuous training on such surfaces will help to gain enough skills that will make skating on a natural rink easy for you.
3. Durability of the Product
A durable product is known to last for an exceptionally long time. If properly maintained, an artificial rink can last up to ten years. Even when dangerous or earth-wrecking skills are showcased on this surface, there will hardly be signs of wrinkling or wearing off. So, consider getting a durable product.
4. The Installation
Installing an artificial rink should not take a long time. You can spend just a day assembling a 2,500 square feet rink. You also need to consider where you want it to be installed in your home before making a purchase.
A popular spot where many homeowners install their panels is the garage. You can pack your car on it as far as it is durable and premium quality. One good thing about these synthetic panels is that they are movable. Unlike natural rinks, you can easily breakdown these plastic panels and move them to another location.
5. Versatility of the Product
You can construct a synthetic panel either outdoors or indoors. The only requirement needed is an evenly flat surface. When installing it outdoors, it is important to protect it from harsh weather conditions like sunshine, rain, or storm. You can do this by using a tent or trampoline to cover over it.
Also, consider how heat can affect the rinks when they are placed outside. This is why it is important to buy UV-protected panels so they can last much longer when outside. You can visit this website to know more about UV-resistant plastics.
You can install the rinks at home for skating or hockey training. You can also get them for public recreation center where people can come and skate during non-winter periods.
6. The Equipment Needed
Before buying a synthetic rink, you need to consider the equipment you need for ice skating. Since this type of rink was designed for year-round use, you won’t need the same gear used for natural ice skating. A pair of gloves, puck, stick, and goal are enough.
When training or participating in a game, you need to choose smart pads to protect your knees from potential injury. However, there is no special gear for a synthetic rink.
Furthermore, you should consider the equipment for installing the rink. Depending on where you purchase, the company can send an installer to assemble it. Although some products are not difficult to assemble, you will need some tools to install others.
Are Synthetic Ice Rinks the Future?
Irrespective of the sport, location, or occasion, adding ice skating to the program advert draws a lot of consumers. Winter skating and hockey are becoming popular across the globe, and artificial rinks are the catalysts behind this growth.
Natural ice has been affected due to global warming. We now experience more warm temperatures; ponds are now thawing faster than before. With these changes, artificial ice is even gaining more popularity in the Northern areas. Therefore, synthetic rinks have come to stay.
Winter sports training is now more accessible and affordable, thanks to artificial ice. Before now, the downside of the sport was the entry barrier in terms of purchasing gear. Today, you do not need to look for rinks or pay heavily for quality ice time. You can start with a simple synthetic rink.
Also, an interesting part of owning a rink is that you can watch a YouTube video while on the rink. This gives you a cheap training session that you can undertake at your own pace.