During tournaments and competitions, athletes put their bodies under a lot of stress. They want to achieve peak performance, and that can take a toll on the muscles. That’s why a sports physical is essential before participating in a sport.
The same thing is true about people who want to switch from one discipline to another, as well as someone who’s trying to start a new physical activity from months of being sedentary. Healthcare professionals aren’t the same as annual checkups because this takes into consideration the history of an athlete. Click here to read more.
What happens during a sports physical?
Universally, sports physicals have four parts. At the start, a nurse will check your blood pressure as well as your pulse. They will also measure your height and weight, especially if you’re younger. Kids and teens experience growth spurts, and this can put a lot of stress on the bones, muscles, and joints.
At any time, the body can experience a hormonal change, and that can be a huge factor when it comes to weight gain and weight loss. After this is all taken care of, you will go through an eye examination. Most of us spend a lot of time in front of screens, and this is responsible for vision deterioration.
Depending on how good your eyesight is, the doctor will choose whether you will need lenses or a change to your current ones. The third part of the exams includes a checkup of your history. If this is your first time, it’s best to come with a list of any underlying conditions, painful spots, surgeries, or illnesses that you’ve experienced.
This is quite important because it helps the medical staff know whether to give you more tests or to tell you some exercise to strengthen weak muscle groups. Finally comes the fitness check. They will put sensors on your chest and abdomen, which will measure your heart rate and variability, as well as your stomach, to see whether you might have an underlying limitation.
The sensors will provide the doctor with data that shows whether you have a hernia, asthma, or muscle inflammation that will limit your ability to perform. Follow this link for more info https://www.theupcoming.co.uk/2020/12/17/top-six-benefits-of-sports-and-physical-activity-on-mental-health/.
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All sports physicals must be done by certified staff. Most often, they’re performed by urgent care centers but shouldn’t scare you. It’s always a healthcare provider, and they work at times that accommodate everyone.
Because there’s still the danger from the pandemic, it’s best to call and schedule an appointment since that’s how you’ll be at the least risk. When you arrive, make sure to have a filled form, as well as an identification document. The papers are online, and you can find them based on your state. If the athlete is under any medications, it’s best to make a list that will help the doctors understand all of the risks.
How long are they valid?
Most of the time, a sports physical is valid for an entire year. You can search for sports physicals near me to find the closest place to you. However, this is subject to change because many schools require a new one before the start of each season. Please consult with the trainer because sometimes they won’t accept a physical from last season.
It’s also possible that a child won’t pass the exam. That can happen if they have asthma, heart problems, a hernia, or even a concussion. The main thing you should pay attention to is the safety of the athlete. If they don’t, it’s not the end of the world. You might have to work with a coach to get proper care and develop the muscles to get back in the game.
Why do you need a checkup?
Most injuries happen during training. In fact, more than 60 percent of all injuries occur during practice instead of tournaments and games. The top three sports for injuries are the most played ones, and those include soccer, basketball, and football.
Since there are more than 50 million kids that are active athletes, it’s important to check how their body holds up before the start of the season. There’s a good reason why exams are mandatory in many leagues and schools. The exams are also a great source of information to avoid future problems and live a long and happy life.